
Frosted Yellow Leaves

Woke up this morning and noticed that the hummingbird feeder on the porch was frozen solid. I think it got down to 20 degrees last night. Of course, my first thought this morning was – excellent, I’ll go out and take pictures of frosty autumn leaves! Which I did. I think my hands are frozen since I stubbornly refuse to wear gloves while taking pictures (makes the camera harder to handle).

But now I’m back inside with a hot cup of coffee, feeling much warmer and quite pleased with the shots I got while I was out.

Writing-wise, I’m slowly making my way through a new story featuring photography and corpses. I’m not sure yet if it will turn out to be a horror story (which would be vastly new territory for me). After spending a fair amount of time attempting to force my last story to do what *I* wanted, I’ve decided to let this story be whatever it wants to be.


  1. love that first one of the crunchy sunflower!

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