And so it begins…

Happy New Year!

All the cool kids are posting summaries of 2006 on their blogs, so here’s mine: 16 short story submissions, resulting in 12 rejections and 1 acceptance (3 stories are currently out at markets). Not the most impressive numbers, but 2006 was a ramping-up year for me, writing-wise, with most of the submissions going out in the second half of the year. Attending Clarion helped me be more confident in sending stories out, as did friendly competition with my Clarion classmates (and not-so-friendly threats from a certain stuffed Zebra).

Hopefully I’ll have bigger numbers this year (I subbed 2 stories in 2005, and eight times that many in 2006, so based on that pattern I should be up to 128 submissions for 2007…right?). I’m also writing my first novel, which reminds me…

* * *

Day 1 of JaNoWriMo – 2187 words.

Which, I’ll point out, was done while hung-over after last night’s new-year’s-eve revelry. It’s early enough in the day that I might crank out more words (perhaps finish chapter 1), but I’m a morning writer so more likely I’ll outline what I want to write tomorrow and call it a day.

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