submission, rejection, headache

Sub #26 – a drabble, which is a story of exactly 100 words, something I’d never tried before.

So, for a brief period of time I was up to *six* items in circulation. Then,

Rejection #20.

*sigh* Need to think about how I want to shuffle things. In addition to what’s out there, I have a flash fiction piece that I’m going to touch up a bit and send out hopefully this weekend. Then I’d be up to seven. Drabble and Flash stories are a good way to get ones submission numbers up in a hurry!

Completely unrelated to all that, I’ve had a pounding headache all afternoon. Shame, as it’s a bright sunny day and the headache removes all desire on my part to go out and enjoy said sunshine. Rather akin to that whole bright light being less than lovely when you’re hung over.

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