Writerly miscellany

Two rejections today:

My 50th rejection! A 74-day rejection from Writers of the Future, for the quarter ending June 30th. This was my seventh submission to the contest.
R#51 – A 1-day friendly reject from Lone Star Stories. Gotta love the quick turnaround.

Two submissions today:

Sub#60 – to Baen’s Universe (my second sub there)
Sub#61 – to F&SF (my 11th sub there)

And, last but not least, 500 words on my new story.


  1. Ream of paper — $10
    Printer — $200
    Writing a story — blood, sweat, and tears

    50th rejection — well, it ain’t priceless, that’s for sure ;)

  2. Alas, me too! My third honorable mention…


    • Alas! Do you have something in for next quarter? (I don’t, at this point, but I might have something by the 30th depending on how things bounce around at other markets.)

      • Unless I get the story I just started into shape in the next few weeks, then the only story I have available contains explicit sex. Their guidelines, unfortunately, rule it out…


  3. keep submitting. keep submitting. keep submitting. (repeat)

  4. Congrats on the rejection milestone!


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