And the 100th submission goes to…

Sent out my 100th submission this morning, to Strange Horizons. Since 100 is a nice round number, it seemed like a good time to put up some stats.

* * *

Stories: 19
Markets: 39

63% electronic submissions, 37% postal submissions

Average response time: 32 days

My top 10 markets (number of submissions):
Fantasy & Science Fiction (16)
Strange Horizons (9)
Lone Star Stories (9)
Writers of the Future Contest (8)
Fantasy Magazine (4)
Realms of Fantasy (4)
Chizine (3)
Clarkesworld Magazine (3)
Heliotrope (3)
Shimmer (3)

These top 10 markets account for 62% of submissions.

Rejections: 87
Sales: 3
Pending response: 10

Three out of nineteen stories (15.8%) have sold.
These stories went to an average of 6.33 markets before being accepted.


  1. Congrats on 100!

    I love stats, so thanks for sharing that. :)

  2. Yep, I use an Excel spreadsheet to keep everything organized.

  3. I passed 100 subs last year, congrats on reaching a milestone:)

    My chosen market was Chizine, even congratulated them in my cover letter. They rejected my story, very unsportsmanlike I thought.
    oh, they were on the money with the feedback, sadly zooming in on the one section I hoped they wouldn’t, but still..principle of the thing.

    anyways, congrats on a milestone, and good luck with future writing. You didn’t mention Fantasy zine? should send to them more, they like your stuff.

    • Thanks, David! Shame that Chizine didn’t take that 100th submission.

      Fantasy is in my top 10 markets (I’ve sent them 4 subs). It’s a great market, and a good fit for my work…but I’d really like to break into the pro markets, which means sending subs to places like SH/Chizine/F&SF/etc first.

  4. well done

    favorited this one, guy

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