2014 by the numbers

107 submissions (includes reprints and foreign markets)
31 acceptances (20 original stories, 11 reprints/foreign market)
33 personal rejections
39 form rejections

Submissions-wise, 2014 was an amazing year for me.  I sent out more submissions than any other year, and I had more acceptances this year than in the last 4 years combined.

46500 words written

I don't track daily wordcounts, so to get words written I added up the wordcounts for all my completed drafts.  This includes a couple of co-written stories (and yes, I claimed all the words even though my co-author wrote some), but doesn't include stories that I started but did not finish.  It also doesn't count words written on older versions of drafts (and I often write multiple drafts of a story starting over from scratch at the beginning).  If I did daily tracking, I'd guess that the word count would be closer to 75k, but I'm more interested in finished words so that's what I track and what I posted.

10 new stories published

I talked about this in a previous post, so I won't go over the details here, but in addition to having more stories out than I've ever had in a single year, I also had stories in two new-to-me pro markets — Clarkesworld and Apex.

So what's next?  2015 is already looking promising.  Because of all the acceptances this year, I already have 12 stories forthcoming.  I think my main goal will be to write more words.  100k of finished drafts instead of 50k.  I am hopeful that this is realistic — by the middle of 2015, my youngest daughter will be in preschool, which will free up more writing time for me.


  1. Wow! Those are quite the numbers — congrats on all counts!

  2. DSF

    Just read your story on DSF.
    Kinda sad and hopeful at the same time. Nicely done!

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