Welcome to the Medical Clinic is in The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy!

The table of contents is out for the 2017 Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, and one of my stories is in it:

“Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station | Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0” (originally in Lightspeed Magazine)

I’m honored to be included with a really great lineup of authors and stories!

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Readercon Panel: A Golden Age of Asian Speculative Literature in English

As promised, here is a list of Asian and South Asian authors that were mentioned in the panel (plus a few that were in my notes but I never had a chance to mention). Since I am incapable of taking notes while being on the panel, I didn’t jot down the names of authors that were mentioned by other panelists, although many were already on my list. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of authors/works, just a starting point. I’ve included links to where you can read short stories free online.

Aliette de Bodard – Immersion

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Recommended stories from “Flash Fiction and its Benefits”

At the Nebula Conference I moderated a panel on flash fiction with wonderful panelists Trevor Quachri, Cat Rambo, John Wiswell, and A.T. Greenblatt. (If you missed the panel, check out the SFWA tweets in this thread for highlights.)

I promised at the end of the panel that I would post a list of all the recommended flash fiction stories that we talked about, so here it is:

“Carnival Nine” at Beneath Ceaseless Skies


I have a new story out in issue #225 of Beneath Ceaseless Skies (May, 2017). “Carnival Nine” is a story that I am particularly proud of, and I’m so happy it found a good home. A short excerpt:

One night, when I was winding down to sleep, I asked Papa, “How come I don’t get the same number of turns every day?”

“Sometimes the maker turns your key more, and sometimes less, but you can never have more than your mainspring will hold. You’re lucky, Zee, you have a good …

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My Norwescon Schedule

I’ll be at Norwescon this weekend. Want to find me? Here’s my schedule:

Panel: Story Form, and the Pros and Cons of Each

Friday 10am – 11am – Cascade 7 & 8

Novel, flash, short story, novelette––narrative fiction comes in multiple forms. How do they differ, other than word count? How are they alike? Join our panel of writers as they discuss the benefits and constraints that each form brings to the table.


Friday 5:30pm-6pm – Cascade 2

“Dreams as Fragile as Glass.” A story of mothers and daughters, and sea glass, and dreams. Rated PG.

Panel: Hive Minds …

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Interview with G.G. Silverman

G.G. Silverman (author of the comedic YA novel Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress) is doing a series on Women in Speculative Fiction, and she interviewed me about my collection: Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World and Other Stories. You can read the interview here:


And while you’re there, check out some of the other great interviews in the series–so far this month she’s interviewed Karen Harris Tully and Nisi Shawl.

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We Will Wake Among the Gods, Among the Stars

This novelette (13,500 words) originally appeared in the Jan/Feb 2016 issue of Analog.

We Will Wake Among the Gods, Among the Stars
by Caroline M. Yoachim & Tina Connolly

Nanne was not one to take anything on faith. She had doubted her cousin, Catherine, when she’d claimed that the Loresian Isthmus had been underwater in ancient times. But now, looking at the lake in the center of the jungle, she believed. The water was clouded with blue-purple algae, and along the muddy shoreline were thousands of strange amphibians — slimy creatures with ten legs and feeler-fronds on both …

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