Short, but done

I thought this morning I had two additional scenes to write in this chapter, but I think there will be more tension if I save the last scene for later. So…Chapter 2 winds itself up at 2,800 words, a bit on the short side, but I’m reasonably happy with it.

Today’s wordcount: 1000 words
Week 2 wordcount: 2800 words
Total wordcount: 6200 words

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Since my first few Clarion stories were quite short, my wordcount for the two weeks roughly parallels my weekly output for the workshop. Though I have to say, I’m getting much more …

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Write-a-thon, Sub#51

Today’s wordcount – 600 words on chapter 2.
Total weekly wordcount – 0

Abandoned the 300 words I wrote on Monday to make a fresh start on Chapter 2. Then wrote 600 words today, but decided I don’t like those either. I now have an outline that I think will work better, so hopefully tomorrow I can really get going on this week’s write-a-thon chapter.

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Sub#51 – to All Possible Worlds (my first sub there)

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50th Submission!

Sub #50 – to Fantasy Magazine (my 4th story there)

Also two recent rejections to report:

Rejection #41 – 8 days, from Shimmer
Rejection #42 – 42 days, from Realms of Fantasy. This is my second submission there. The first one got a ‘blue form of death,’ but this one was good enough to earn me the ‘yellow form of promise’ with a little scribbled note from the slush reader.

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Write-a-thon update (for yesterday) – 300 words on Chapter 2.

Now off to write some fresh words for today…

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Fun weekend happenings


Got to hang out with my CW 06 classmates Tina and Tina this weekend. Pictures on Flickr ( Highlights included:

– meeting the Clarion West 07 crowd
– delicious cheesy biscuits, courtesy of 2na.
– strawberry picking (and eating)
– pretty Birch Bay beaches
– ferry ride (complete with harbor seals, eagles, herons and baby sea gulls)
– baked french toast, courtesy of T1na.
– Sushi…where I discovered that I actually like sake. (It’s sweeter than I thought.)

So, good company, tasty food, …

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Rejection #40, Write-a-thon Day 4

Rejection #40 – a 34-day rejection from Jetse at Interzone, with suggested alternate markets, and an invitation to submit something next time Interzone does e-subs (November).

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Net words today: 400
Week 1 wordcount: 3400

Added some words but also trimmed some things I wrote earlier in the week, so I’m not sure how many new words today. Net gain of 400 words. I managed to finish of the chapter, which means that 1/6 of my total goal is completed. Tomorrow I will (hopefully) get the second chapter outlined. Then I get Friday & …

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Write-a-thon Day 2

There is *still* construction going on at my apartment. I should probably just assume that construction will continue until I move out. Today was not as loud as when they were stripping the siding off…but they spread some sort of waterproofing sealant that gave off noxious fumes. Massive headaches ensued. Nonetheless…

Today’s wordcount: 1000 words on Chapter 1
Week 1 wordcount: 1750 words

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Today marks the start of the Clarion West write-a-thon. During this six week fund-raiser for Clarion, I will write the first six chapters of a new novel. Coming into this morning, I had pages and pages of notes on the setting and characters, a vague notion of plot, and a detailed outline for chapter one. My goal for this week is to complete the first chapter, and outline chapter two for next week (hopefully this will get done by Thursday, as I will have houseguests over the weekend).

Today’s wordcount: 750 words on Chapter 1

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Bouncy bouncy

Sub #46 – my first submission to Shimmer.

Rej #35 – from Lone Star Stories (24-hours)
Rej #36 – 3 days from Chizine…but the story got bounced not on its merits but because I made a mistake on the simultaneous submissions policy — starting on June 1 (the day I sent the submission) they switched over to contest-mode…and during the contest they DON’T take simultaneous submissions. So they pretty much looked at the cover-email and bounced the story back :( I felt bad for not paying closer attention, but the editor was very nice about it.

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