
After spending several days making extremely slow progress on revisions for one of my Clarion West stories, I changed gears today and worked on a story idea I had last night. It’s now early afternoon, and I’ve finished the story (it’s pretty short, about 2k, but it still feels good to have finished something). I even did a round of revisions, so the draft is pretty clean.

Also, recently:

Submission #66 – To Coyote Wild (my first sub there)


Rejection #59 – A 98-day, round 3 rejection from Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine

* * *

And now, back to …

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Writing Update

Lots of posts about food lately, not so many about writing. I thought the problem might be the lack of pictures to go with writing posts, so I cooked one up:

Type Faster

I’ve been typing away at my current WIP, and the thing refuses to end. It’s at 11,000 words, which for me is incredibly long (I generally write stories in the 2-5k range), and I still have a ways to go until the ending. This is new territory for me, not only in overall length of the story, but …

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Submission, WIP

sub#64 – to Writers of the Future (my 8th sub there).

* * *

My WIP is holding steady at 7000 words. I’m not stuck, I have a fair idea of what comes next. But for the past couple days, instead of writing the next chunk, I’ve gotten stuck writing and re-writing the beginning. Not the whole 7000 words, just the very beginning. Mostly the first paragraph. I think I’ll limit myself to an hour on the first paragraph this afternoon, and then force myself to work on some later portion of the story.

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* sigh *

Two Three recent rejections:

R54 – a 1-day friendly rejection from Lone Star Stories
R55 – a 57-day rejection with mostly positive comments from Strange Horizons.
R56 – a 5-day rejection, with comments, from Shimmer.

* * *

My current WIP is turning out rather longer than I expected — 6k words at the moment, and showing no signs of wrapping up any time soon. But I’m still liking the project, and I’ve decided to just let it do whatever it wants to do. If it’s massively too long when I’m finished, I can always cut it down. …

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Two fresh submissions:

sub#63 – to Shimmer (my 3rd sub there)
sub#64 – to Lone Star Stories (my 7th sub there)

One fresh rejection:

rej#53 – a 7-day rejection from Baen’s Universe.

* * *

I’ve been making slow but steady progress on my latest WIP. Averaging about 500 new words per day, plus tinkering with all the words from the previous days. So it’s at around 2,700 words at the moment, and probably around a third of the way finished. I’m hoping that now that the story is a bit more hammered out I’ll be able to pick …

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Back into the swing of things

After a month-and-a-half break from sending out submissions:

Sub58 – to Lone Star Stories (my 6th sub there)
Sub59 – to Analog (my 2nd sub there)

This gets me back up to 8 stories in circulation. I’ve also outlined all but the last scene for a brand new story, which I’m feeling pretty good about, and am hoping to have written by the end of the week. It’s nice to get back to writing after the six week moving/traveling break.

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And a partridge in a pear tree…


1500 words
4 boxes packed
1 submission sent
and an email rejection from The Town Drunk.

So today we finally got started on packing. The problem with packing is not so much the actual packing of items into boxes (I like that part, it’s a bit like 3d tetris) but the sorting. Do we really want to move this book/stack of papers/thingamajiggit, or can we recycle/donate/etc it? Does this need to come with us on our drive, or does it go into boxes for the moving pods? *sigh* I do feel better that we’ve at least …

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(Slightly delayed) WaT week 4 update

Well, after a bout of productivity early on in week 4, resulting in the completion of chapter 4, my novel-writing stalled out. I’m not to worried about it, as part of the delay was due to me wanting to revise and ship out the flash story I wrote last week. The first couple days of this week I’ve been more-or-less back on track, and I’m now about 1500 words into chapter 5. Which means I’ve got about a chapter and a half more to meet my goal.

Upcoming distractions: my husband defends his dissertation (tomorrow) and we’re moving (end of …

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