

Electric Velocipede has accepted my short story “Setting My Spider Free.” The story was originally written at Clarion West, and it is my third sale (with both of my previous sales being to Fantasy Magazine).



  1. Congrats! I look forward to reading it.

    • Thanks! I look forward to it becoming available for you to read :)

      • Cool! I friended you because I noticed we had some of the same buds. And I read your interview in Fantasy the other day. Enjoyed it. I’ll read “Time to Say Goodnight” here very soon. I put it on a doc. to read, which is what I do with most online fiction. Looking forward to it.

        I lived in Austin back in 1990, but just moved back here last Spring. Wish it would warm up a bit more. *G*

  2. On the one hand: YAY CONGRATS!

    On the other hand: OMG SPIDER PICTURE NOOOOO!

  3. Yay! It’s time for you to get an acceptance!

  4. Yay, congrats, Caroline!

  5. Congratulations, Caroline! I actually saw it on the duotrope “what’s new” page first…


  6. Congrats again, Caroline! That’s awesome, and I can’t wait to re-read the story.

  7. Congratulations. That’s great news.

  8. Once again, excellent!

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