Novel Progress

6444 / 100000

No progress report last week, because I spent a lot of time re-writing Chapter 1 and posting my wordcounter bar with a decreased word count would feel too much like going backwards. I think spending a lot of time on the first chapter was worth it though — the early versions were so far off what I wanted that they likely would have thrown the whole trajectory of the story off. The version I ended up keeping (the 5th version) is far from perfect, but it’s close enough that I feel I can move on. (Yay!)

This week has gone much better. Once Chapter 1 was in place, Chapter 2 followed along nicely.

Badges (from this week and last week):

For completely scrapping at least 1,000 words and redoing them. (Repeatedly)

For almost quitting for the day, but instead writing another 500 words.

For completing a chapter that’s a prime number (Chapter 2)


  1. Hooray! Most excellent progress indeed.

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