Interview with G.G. Silverman

G.G. Silverman (author of the comedic YA novel Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress) is doing a series on Women in Speculative Fiction, and she interviewed me about my collection: Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World and Other Stories. You can read the interview here:

And while you’re there, check out some of the other great interviews in the series–so far this month she’s interviewed Karen Harris Tully and Nisi Shawl.

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We Will Wake Among the Gods, Among the Stars

This novelette (13,500 words) originally appeared in the Jan/Feb 2016 issue of Analog.

We Will Wake Among the Gods, Among the Stars
by Caroline M. Yoachim & Tina Connolly

Nanne was not one to take anything on faith. She had doubted her cousin, Catherine, when she’d claimed that the Loresian Isthmus had been underwater in ancient times. But now, looking at the lake in the center of the jungle, she believed. The water was clouded with blue-purple algae, and along the muddy shoreline were thousands of strange amphibians — slimy creatures with ten legs and feeler-fronds on both …

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2016 Publications

I’ve been seeing a lot of year-in-review/award eligibility posts, so here’s mine. I had 13 new stories out this year, of which the most popular was Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station, Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0, which was the cover story for the March issue of Lightspeed. Here’s my full list of publications:

My collection SEVEN WONDERS OF A ONCE AND FUTURE WORLD & Other Stories came out in August of this year with Fairwood press!


We Will Wake Among the Gods, Among the Stars (w/Tina Connolly) (January/February Analog)
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Orycon Schedule!

Here is my schedule for Orycon this weekend. I’m on SEVEN panels! And I have a reading! If you’re at the con, come find me and say hi :D

The Fine Art of Description Fri 4:00pm-5:00pm What makes purple prose purple? Are adjectives and adverbs really evil? How do pro writers describe something in vivid detail in the fewest words, and when can writers expand those descriptions? Speeding Up Your Output Fri 8:00pm-9:00pm Fast writing is not necessarily bad writing, and more words per day equals more stories for your readers. Discuss methods for upping your daily word count without …

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World Fantasy Convention

I’ll be in Columbus this weekend for World Fantasy! Here’s my schedule:

Friday 1pm, Delaware CD
Fantasy Emerging from Crisis
Chris Phillips, Jason Sanford (m), Gary K. Wolfe, Chrisopher Husberg, Caroline M. Yoachim

Friday 8pm-11pm, Regency Ballroom
Mass Autographing Session

Saturday at noon, Union C
Reading: Tina Connolly & Caroline M. Yoachim

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Guest Post: Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

Fairwood Press launched five new books last week (including my collection!) and it has been fun to share a release day with some really wonderful authors. Today I’ve got a guest post from one of my fellow Fairwood authors, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, talking about his new book Traveler of Worlds: Conversations with Robert Silverberg.

Google With a Goatee

Thanks so much for having me on, Caroline! It’s been a pleasure sharing a book birthday with you!

Traveler of Worlds: Conversations with Robert Silverberg is my book-length attempt to provide insight into the life and mind of one of our great …

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MidAmeriCon II wrap-up post

I had the most amazing of all possible Worldcons. This will be a somewhat scattered post, because there is so much going on at Worldcon that it felt like I was constantly jumping from one thing to the next, and everything has merged into a chaotic jumble in my mind.

Programming-wise, I was on two shared readings, two autographing sessions, and three panels. One of my panels had Larry Niven as a fellow panelist! At one of my readings, I read “Mother Ship” and made a member of the audience cry.

Tina Connolly and I launched our collections! We …

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