Day 22 of JaNo – 2248 words today, 47723 words total

In all likelihood, I’ll hit 50k tomorrow, though I don’t think the story will have reached any sort of resolution by then. I am shooting to wrap up by Friday though, which means sometime in the next 8k or so I’ll hopefully be writing the words: THE END. I think this means I’ll be abandoning at least 2 of the minor threads, which I’m okay with. If I can get the major storyline into relatively coherent shape, I’ll consider it to be a successful ending.

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Productive Day

Day 21 of JaNo – 3807 words today (2203 novel words), 45475 total

I had a short story in my head that demanded to come out, so I scrawled out a very rough draft this morning at 1.6k words. Since they’re not part of my novel, they don’t go into the grand wordcount…but I went ahead and tossed them into today’s word total, mainly because I’m pleased with myself for getting so many words down today. Yay!

Since this is the end of week 3, I’ll go ahead and do a weekly wordcount too: 14830 words for the novel this …

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T-minus 7 days

Day 20 of JaNo – 2322 words today, 43272 total

After having a terrible time generating words earlier this week (can’t quite remember when, but I was definitely frustrated with the whole project at one point), the words have been flowing the last few days. The various threads seem to know what they need to do, at least for now, and I’m hoping everything will get tied together in some sort of climax. I have exactly one week left to pull it off, with January 27th being my last possible writing day before I leave for Whistler. At this point, …

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Missed a couple posts. . .

. . .because my left wrist has been a little bit titchy the last couple days (nothing major, but given my history of wrist problems, I’ve been trying to lay off the computer for non-writing activities). So I’m still writing, but more ice, more breaks, and less LJ posting.

To sum up the JaNo days I didn’t post:
Day 17 – zero words (skiing), 34958 total
Day 18 – 3098 words, 38056 total
Day 19 – 2894 words, 40950 total

Less than 10k to go…yay! And now I’m off to ice my wrist.

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Words words words words…

Day 16 of JaNo – 2153 words today, 34958 total

Decided that today was a good time to split my posse of 5 into two groups. The dynamic of five people travelling together was getting to be a bit much for me to deal with, so I’m hoping that a group of 3 and a group of 2 will be easier to handle. Besides, it gives me that much more flexibility as to which storyline I want to follow – up until now I had 4 main POV characters, 2 of which were travelling together. So I think this will …

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Novel in a Nutshell

Day 15 of JaNo – 2160 words today, 32805 total

I had the good fortune to have someone ask what my novel was about, in a nutshell, which really helped me sort out what was really central, and gave me lots to think about. Basically, my novel is set in the world of the mori birds, and is an exploration of how people react when the basic rules of life and death no longer apply. On a more plot-ish level, the story involves a posse of five setting out on a quest to find and save the stolen mori birds. …

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Two weeks down, two more to go…

Day 14 of JaNo – 1516 words today, 15072 this week, 30645 total

Well, I wrote 501 fewer words this week than I wrote last week, mainly due to having 2 days (including today) where I let myself off easy and reduced my quota. Still, I’m averaging 2188 words per day, so I’m feeling pretty happy with my progress. If I continue at this pace, I should hit 50k on January 23rd!

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58.258% done

Day 13 of JaNo – 2710 words today, 29129 total

I spent some time this morning thinking about what each of my characters wanted, which really helped with word flow today. It was much easier to come up with what the villain wanted than any of the other characters, and I think that may be why the scenes with the villain have been so much stronger while the other characters drifted about. Now that everyone knows what they want (or, more accurately, now that *I* know what all those characters want) things are moving along a bit better. Keeping the …

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Halfway done!

Day 11 of JaNo – 3124 words today, 25217 total

My brother’s in town tomorrow, so I wanted to get some extra words written today. I also wanted to get to the halfway point. Anyway, since I wrote extra today, tomorrow’s quota is 1k instead of 2k. Anything beyond that will be bonus.

After two days of struggling through exceedingly boring bits, I decided to try a different approach this morning: Instead of thinking about the plot and what should come next, I thought ‘what’s the most interesting thing I can think of to write about today’ and wrote that. …

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