Indoor Rain

There’s water seeping in through my ceiling. There’s little bulges up there, moist and swollen, one of which burst and dripped water down onto my kitchen counter. Fortunately, it seems to be a very small leakage–at the moment, it isn’t even dripping. Unfortunately, there is water, seeping in through the ceiling. And I’m not even on the top floor of the building. *sigh*

Writing-wise, I got my sub out to F&SF, and am closing in on the end of my WIP. It’s 4,837 words (1372 today) and I think I’ll only have to crank out one more scene. That’ll have …

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Submission #21, WIP

Sub #21 – Packaged up a light revision of my backwards fairy tale, and it’ll go off to F&SF with tomorrow’s mail. If (knock on wood) I don’t get a rejection between now and when I mail it out, I’ll be up to 4 stories out in circulation, which is a new high for me.

My current project is up to 3465 words (598 words today). I think I’m about 1.5k out from the end, one or two days more if all goes well. Not sure what I’ll be working on next. I have a couple of things that need …

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2867 words, 1100 today

I think I’ve passed the halfway mark on the story. The scene I’m currently halfway through is not cooperating, so I may be re-writing it tomorrow. It’s interesting and all, but I’ve no idea how it ties into anything else. Somehow it managed to skitter off sideways from the lovely outline that I made. I’m hoping I can rein it back in though, as I like some of the images in it.

I also went back and tinkered with the sections that are already written, tightening the language and trying to sneak in a little more …

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Up to 1767 words on my new story (1197 words today), which brings me to the end of the second scene. Today’s wordchunk leaves me both cognitively and emotionally drained, which is probably a good thing, in terms of the end result. I’m still not quite on track to finish on Friday, because while I got a fair number of words down today, I’m not progressing through my outline as quickly as I expected. I was originally going to give myself until Sunday to have the story done, and I may go back to that. My priority on this one …

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570 words today on a brand new story, which brought me to the end of the opening scene. I’m working off several pages of notes and a scene-by-scene outline for this one, and I’m hoping that the pre-planning will make the writing go relatively fast. I will need to pick up the pace a bit if I want to have a draft by Friday, as I think the finished story will be 4k-5k.

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Submission #20

Packaged up my backwards-in-time story so that it can go out in the mail tomorrow. I’ve decided to send it off to Asimov’s next, and it’ll be my first sub to that market (mainly because I’m impatient, and the turnaround time there is not quite as quick as, say, F&SF or SH). I tweaked a couple things in the opening scene before stuffing the story into an envelope — mostly just smoothing out the language a little bit.

Despite not getting any actual writing done this weekend, I’m feeling pretty productive. In addition to getting my Asimov’s sub prepped, I …

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Rejection #16

Back from Canada (more on that later). In the stack of mail from when I was gone:

After 44 days, Stanley Schmidt at Analog found my backwards-in-time story ‘not quite suitable.’ Next market up for this one is probably Asimov’s, though I’m tempted to hold it for a bit and send it to Strange Horizons, since they have a quicker turnaround time. (Can’t send it to SH immediately, since I’ve already got a story there.) At 5,300 words, it is a smidge above SH’s preferred length (5k), but the guidelines say that they’ll consider stories up to 9k.

Also a …

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And All That Jazz…

Had a lovely time going out to dinner at Tula’s Jazz club with some of my Clarion classmates. We got to meet up with Paul Park, who is in town to teach a one-day workshop through Hugo House. Sadly I can’t make it to the workshop today, seeing as I’m leaving for Whistler sometime in the next hour or two. Still it was nice to see everyone and catch up a bit.

Post-JaNo I haven’t generated a whole lot of new words, which is okay. I did manage to get the (very) short story I wrote mid-JaNo revised, so all …

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All’s well that ends.

Done!! Yay!! I now leave the ranks of ‘people-who-want-to-write-a-novel-someday,’ and join the ranks of ‘people-who-have-a-novel-sitting-around-in-a-drawer.’

Day 24 of JaNo – 4004 words today, 54097 total

Pushed through 2 days worth of writing today, as I wasn’t so keen on stopping once the very end of it was in sight. I can’t say that I’m thrilled with the ending, but I got to a point where I felt comfortable writing “THE END,” so that’s it for my JaNoing experience. Overall, it was really good. I learned some things about what works, and a lot about what doesn’t work, both of which …

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Day 22 of JaNo – 2248 words today, 47723 words total

In all likelihood, I’ll hit 50k tomorrow, though I don’t think the story will have reached any sort of resolution by then. I am shooting to wrap up by Friday though, which means sometime in the next 8k or so I’ll hopefully be writing the words: THE END. I think this means I’ll be abandoning at least 2 of the minor threads, which I’m okay with. If I can get the major storyline into relatively coherent shape, I’ll consider it to be a successful ending.

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